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Spain, the European country with more smartphones


Spain leads the lists of European countries with the highest amount of smartphones, above from Germany, UK or France



A research of Spain Digital Future in Focus, from comScore, highlights that the penetration rate of smartphones in Spain is 66%, while the European average is 57%. Google’s operative system, Android, leads the market share (64,6%) of Spain and worldwide, excepts Japan, becoming the most used sales platform of smartphones. Android also heads the tablets’ market. However, the rest of systems fall to a much lower level, such as IOS, Windows, Symbian and, especially, Blackberry.


Smartphones are the most used Internet device by the people between 20 and 29 years old (96%). When choosing one or another, Spanish people focus on the operator coverage, the connection speed, the network’s quality and the cost of the service. According to this research, 75% of the users are satisfied with the speed of the current network. Moreover, 48% of the customers are not willing to pay more for a higher connection speed. The report shows that the number of paying memberships through smartphones grows every year.






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