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Spanish politicians fail English


They encourage young people to manage the language, even when their level of English leaves much to be desired



English is a pending subject for Spanish politicians. Their grammar is questionable and their pronunciation… Impossible to understand. Our current President, Mariano Rajoy, assures that he studies the language hard, despite the classes has yet to yield all its fruits. What is more, Rajoy is not ashamed to admit his son speaks English better than him.


What Spanish politicians speak is not English, but a kind of ‘Spanglish’ with a really Castilian accent. And if not then ask the former President, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, whose answer to any question in English is the usual ‘Thank you’, no matter what the question is.


Some of them get through by the narrowest of margins, such as another former President, José María Aznar. But we cannot say the same about his wife, Madrid’s Major Ana Botella, whose "relaxing cup of café con leche in Plaza Mayor" is almost a national anthem.


We proudly congratulate with a B+ the outstanding students: the socialists Felipe González and Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba. The first one is also polyglot, as he adds French to his resume. Anyways, these both politicians are the exception that proves the rule: Spanish politicians fail English.





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