Why May the 1st is Labor Day?
Behind this public holiday is hiding a bloody history that happened two centuries ago in the US

Today , May the 1st, is an important date in the calendar of all workers , because it is a holiday and Labor Day is celebrated. But behind this day hides a bloody history that few people know.The origins of this day dates back to 1886 in the United States, where workers had begun a struggle for a working day of 8 hours. The philosophy was: 8 hours work, 8 for sleep and 8 for the house. Until then, it was only banned to work more than 18 hours consistently. The labor union with more force at the time decided that, from May the 1st of 1886, the maximum working hours would be 8 and threatened employers with a strike if they did not agree to his request.
Many workers got their goal with the threat of strike. Those who didn’t, began their protests on May the 1st. In Chicago, the clashes between workers and police were particularly bloody and lasted four days.
After three days of strike, on May the 4th a concentration was called in Haymarket Square. By then, the tension between the police and the workers had reached a high point after the violent clashes of the previous days.
That day, a bomb exploded in Haymarket Square, killing a policeman. Authorities blamed the workers and more than 30 people were arrested for their radical ideas. Initially seven were sentenced to death but eventually three of them were sentenced to prison and five to the gallows.
In honor of the struggle for the 8 hour day and in memory of these five people, known as the martyrs of Chicago, in 1889 the 1st of May was declared Labor Day.
However, in the United States and Canada it is celebrated on the first Monday of September, in order to untie this date from the labor movement for fear that socialism settle down in America. Subsequently, Canada and other countries took the same measure.