We already were the country with more vineyards in the world, but now we also are leaders in wine production. In 2013, Spain produced more than 50 million hectolitres of wine, 41% more than last year, and outperformed for the first time its maximum competitors, Italy and France, which had shorter harvest caused by adverse weather conditions.
Castilla-La Mancha is the Spanish region that has shown the greatest growth in this area, more than 60%, followed by Extremadura and Catalonia. Spain is known worldwide for its red and sparkling wines, but wine is produced in all 17 regions as well. Now the challenges are: selling wine in a better way and promoting domestic consumption. In fact, some Nordic countries consume more wine than Spaniards, even if they don’t produce wine.
Spain takes the lead in the world's wine production
In 2013 Spain produced more than 50 million hectolitres of wine, 41% more than last year, and outperformed Italy and France