Father's Day is a worldwide celebration, but unlike in many countries like the U.S., Mexico or France (where it’s celebrated on the third Sunday in June), in Spain this special day takes place in March 19th, coinciding with the feast of St. Joseph.
According to studies, Father's Day was first celebrated in Spain by the year 1950, when a teacher decided to celebrate this date after the request of many fathers who were jealous that there already was a day to celebrate Mother's Day. It was decided that Father’s Day would then take place St. Joseph Day. The celebration started to grow and that's how it became a national event.
In Spain today it is tradition that children at schools make some kind of crafts for their fathers. Besides, there are celebrations and special lotteries as well. For example, the Spanish National Organisation of the Blind (ONCE) carries out the special draw called “Extra del día del padre”.
Father's Day in Spain: Why is celebrated in March 19th?
Father's Day was first celebrated in Spain by the year 1950, when a teacher decided to celebrate this date