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1 cup water
1 cup white flour
1 pinch of salt
1 walnut-sized scoop of butter
Extra virgin olive oil for frying
200g sugar
They are present in any popular festival in Spain and are the perfect breakfast for many families on Sunday mornings.  We are talking about the churros, one of the most typical Spanish pastry. They are easy to cook and a delight for the palate. But be careful... They are addictive.
Imagine a cold winter afternoon. The windows are steamed by the heat of the fireplace and a thick blanket protects you against the ice-cold wind coming through the door. And in your hands, what could be better than a cup of hot chocolate with churros? For those who have already tried it, they know what I am talking about, but for those who don’t, churros are the best pastry to accompany our breakfasts or afternoon snacks during the cold season. Many wonder what the secret of this dough is, and the answer is as simple as this: flour and oil.
Few sweets are cheaper and easier to make than churros, a product made in Spain. They are so addictive that in our recipe we will tell you how to prepare two dozens of churros to share among four people, although we won’t point a finger at you if you decide to devour them all by your own in no time…
1. To get started, you have to heat a large saucepan with water and add a walnut-sized scoop of butter, with a pinch of salt. When it’s very hot and starts boiling, add the flour. Don’t forget to stir the mix constantly with a wooden spoon until the dough comes off the saucepan. If it goes stale, add a few drops of water.
2. Then, you can have a break while leaving the dough to cool down to room temperature. A tip: prepare the hot chocolate in the meanwhile.
3. Ideally, for the next step you should have a churrera. In this way, you pip the dough into this machine and fry the churros in a pan with abundant hot oil. It’s very important to prevent them from sticking to each other. If you don’t have this machine at your disposal, the plan B would be to spoon the dough into a pastry sleeve with a star ribbon open garnishing tube. You can have the churro shape by pressing the pastry sleeve on the pan with the boiling oil.
4. After the bath in oil you have to drain them in a plate with paper towels. Finally, you just have to sprinkle the churros with sugar, get ready your hot chocolate and enjoy this caloric but delicious pleasure.
Pastry made in Spain




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