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1. First of all, you should carry out the cod’s desalination for 48 hours, changing the water three times; you have to take scales and bones away, and dry it with a clean cloth.
2. Afterwards, you must heat 100 millilitres of oil in a pan, together with two peeled garlic cloves. When garlics are heated, take them apart so you can add to the nap the peeled and cut onions, all of them but one. Once onions are fried (about 20 minutes), you can add half of the tomatoes you have, all of them chopped, peeled and seedless. Let it slow frying.
3. Meanwhile, you can fry the other chopped onion in another pan. Then, you add the rest of tomatoes (cut into large pieces), red and “choricero” peppers and slices of burnt toast. It is left to cook on a very low heat until it’s ready. When everything is well fried, it has to be passed through the food mill, and the resulting sauce has to be added to the tomato and onion you’ve already prepared, so you can mix it all.
4. You put a skillet over medium heat with oil and three garlic cloves cut in blades. When garlics are heated enough, take them apart so you can put cod loins with the skin side-up. Don’t fry them too much because they’ll get ready with the sauce.
5. Take an earthenware or porcelain dish, spread a layer of sauce at the bottom and place cod loins so you can top with remaining sauce. Reheat the mixture for 5 or 8 minutes. Let everything set for 10 minutes before serving.
If you're looking for good fish in Spain, nothing compares to the North




Preparation time



8 cod loins (1500 g each loin)
3 dl of olive oil
5 garlic cloves
700 g of red onions
700 g of tomatoes
3 red peppers
3 “choricero” peppers*
2 slices of burnt toast
* “Choricero” peppers
They are used in three major ways: fried green, or used when red in chorizo sausage and Biscaya Sauce. When fried green they are sweet; they are fried lightly in olive oil until the skin blisters white. When mature, choricero peppers are medium sized, red and not particularly spicy.  



Spain is quite well-known for many things all over the world, one of them its gastronomy. And the best of fishes are in the north. Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria or the Basque Country offers exquisite delicacy for highly refined palates, those who go to restaurants on the coast in order to eat sole or tuna. Today we’re going to show you how you can cook one of the most famous and typical Basque dishes: “bacalao a la vizcaína”.

Biscayan Cod

Biscayan Cod

Biscayan Cod

Biscayan Cod


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