Catalonia’s President Artur Mas declares that Catalonia will have a referendum on November 9th
The sovereign survey has no authorization from the Congress of Spain.
The President of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government), Artur Mas, said last Thursday that on November the 9th he will ' draw the polls ' in order to let the Catalan citizens to vote yes or no to independence, despite having no authorization from the Congress and being against the law.
The president of the Catalan People’s Party (PP), Alicia Sánchez Camacho, reiterated that this survey will be knocked down by the Constitutional Court. Mas was categorical: "Indeed , I will carry out the survey, because it is according to the Catalan law and is about consulting", answered to the leader of PP.
Despite his insistence, both the Government of Artur Mas and Convergence and Union (CiU) are aware that the sovereign consultation will be almost impossible to hold because of the opposition of the Government of Mariano Rajoy and the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE).
The Catalan National Assembly, the private entity that organized the mass independence demonstration on September the 11th last year, has much to do in the independence plan. The entity, which has excellent relations with CiU and Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC), is finalizing a new strategy of pressure on the street with a very clear objective: to make Catalonia an independent state on April the 23rd of 2015 at the latest.
At the same time, in Barcelona’s Casa Asia, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Spanish Government, José Manuel García-Margallo, warned of the dangers of the independence of Catalonia and the economic and legal infeasibility of the project. He even compared the situation with the referendum to be hold next Sunday March the 16th in Crimea, which has not been recognized by the European Union as it is against the Constitution.